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How Your Art Can Help Cats

Though all cat and animal enthusiasts want to help rescue, adoption, and shelter funds, not all of us are in a position to donate financially. The Achille Project makes it possible for artists to donate cat-art for resale on prints and gifts to generate proceeds for animal welfare organizations. Artists can choose to donate a piece for reproduction in the store or only to appear in the gallery to show their support for our feline friends and enlarge our community. 

What Kind of Art?​

The only guideline for artwork submitted to The Project is that it features a black cat.  The rest is completely up to you!


The Project was founded as a means to raise the low adoption rate of black kitties and holds this as its primary and underlying theme. You can submit a new piece created specifically for The Project or an already existing work :3

Reproduction​ Rights:

You retain the copyright of your image and your link and artist profile will be displayed on our website, earning you kitty kudos and promotion.


When you submit your artwork to The Achille Project, please specify if you would like to donate the rights of reproduction for your image, allowing it to sell as prints in The Project Gift shop and generate funds for donation. This is the best way to help kitties with your art! 


If you don't want to donate the reproduction rights of your image, you can still help kitties by bringing traffic to the site and showing your support by having your artwork displayed in the gallery. Your work will not be sold or reproduced.


Regardless of which donation you chose to make, you always retain the copyright and can withdraw your submission at any time.  

How to Submit:​

Meow is the time! If you would like your work in The Project gallery and/or gift shop, please use the form on our contact page or email the founder, Lea Gillette at gillette.lea[at]

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